Pathwright offers the following triggers in Zapier that can trigger actions in Zapier based on events in your Pathwright school.
Click any of the below trigger names for detailed reference.
April 20th, 2023 Updates
The following updates have not yet been added to the documentation below, but are available.
- Rename: point field "max points" → "total possible points settled" — this is the sum of total possible pts for every Step in a Path that 1) are completed and 2) are not pending review.
- Applies to: new learning activity, new registration, new cohort, student course completion, step review status change
- New:
- total possible points: Sum of all possible points in the Path (regardless of status)
- total possible required points: Sum of all possible points in the Path excluding optional steps.
- total possible required points settled: the sum of total possible pts for every Step in a Path that 1) are completed and 2) are not pending review and 3) are required (excludes optional).
- Applies to: on new learning activity, student course completion, step review status change
- New: certificate URL field to the generated PDF certificate
- Note: Indicate that this is a point-in-time capture and that if the user moves back to "in progress" on the course, the certificate URL will still work
- Applies to: course completion trigger
Trigger: New learning activity
- Triggered when a learning activity is performed in a school.
Trigger: New school member
- Triggered when a new member joins a school.
Trigger: User email updated
- Triggered when a user changes the email address associated with their account.